Our Staff

Accountable to you…

At Breard, we provide our clients with the best of both worlds. We have the sophistication, expertise, and wide range of certification licenses to focus on all of your accounting needs, yet we maintain a size that allows us to provide caring, personalized service.

The Breard Team is made-up of seasoned professionals adept at combining a friendly touch with high standards, streamlined procedures, quick response time, and raw entrepreneurial energy. Consistent adherence to these principals has been our hallmark, and is responsible for our well-deserved sterling reputation in the business community. And when it comes to dealing with regulatory authorities, our experience and finesse make the difference.

Accountable to Ourselves…

At Breard, we work hard to maintain a work environment conducive to flourishing careers. Unlike the usual ‘Two and out rule’, our employees stay for decades. Individuals draw from each other’s competencies in a learning environment that is enhanced by our support of continuing education in accounting and/or time management skills. In fact, our staff consistently exceeds the California professional educational requirement.

Once a year, we sponsor a highly productive corporate management retreat in settings ranging from the mountains to the sea, allowing staff to develop new strategies in a relaxed atmosphere and in the company of their families.

Accountable to the Planet…

Our commitment to helping heal the planet has put us on a path toward a paperless office. 

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